Second Women Against Registry National Conference is August 17-19, 2018


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[note: Janice is speaking!]

Theme: Empowerment & Momentum ~ A March to Victory


The 2nd Women Against Registry National Conference

St. Louis Missouri (Maryland Heights area)

August 17, 18, & 19

Early Registration Open Now

April 1 – May 31…………….…..………$125

After June 1………………..……….……$150

A Great Opportunity to Network, Learn, & be Inspired

Fri. August 17, 2018; 1:00-5:00 PM
Sat. August 18, 2018; 8:00-5:00 PM
Sun. August 19, 2018; 8:00-12:00 PM

The schedule for the 2018 Conference is in the planning stages but promises to be packed with intelligent, motivated speakers and insightful workshops. Some of these are:

Emily Horowitz – Keynote Speaker
Janice Bellucci – Speaking on current legislation and litigation
Dr. Avon Hart-Johnson – Speaking on the 5 Steps to Empowerment
Dr. Dean Rosen – Leading a workshop titled: “Breaking Out of the Cocoon – Becoming a Reluctant Activist”
Guy Hamilton-Smith – Leading a workshop titled: “Turning Adversity into Advantage”
Lori Jo Reynolds – Leading a workshop titled: “Ready to Learn to Testify”

We will post the biographical information below for our speakers and workshop leads as they become available.

Janice M. Bellucci has been an attorney for more than 30 years.  She founded the Alliance for Constitutional Sex Offense Laws (ACSOL), a nationwide non-profit dedicated to protecting the Constitution by restoring the civil rights of sex offenders and currently serves as Executive Director of that organization.  In that capacity, Janice is challenging residency restrictions adopted by cities and counties which virtually banish sex offenders.  In the recent past, Janice filed a series of 31 lawsuits in federal court that led to the eradication of proximity restrictions for sex offenders.


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This is so great, more and more people are speaking out publicly. Janice, you are amazing. Where would we be without you.